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June is flying by us, which means the end of the 2nd quarter is rapidly approaching. And any loyal reader to this newsletter knows soon to be the start of the ‘New Year” here at TeamBradley (if you don’t know, feel free to ask). However before we get there, what a first half of the year 2017 has already been. TeamBradley is going to have a record breaking quarter in regards to placements and first 6 months of the year.  It brings us such joy to see companies actively hiring and connecting them to the right candidates; thank you for being part of our business! I am not only celebrating my business this summer – After my normal barrage of tests this month, my doctor let me know that I am cancer free for the 3rd year in a row! 🙂


My wife and youngest daughter also have some exciting news to share.  Amy has been instructing fitness hooping classes; she recently just launched a website to share positive stories and advice on healthy life choices.  Check out  Our daughter, Cassi, had a successful rowing season, with her boat placing 1st in state, and 2nd in the region. We are looking forward to relaxing at our lake house in a couple weeks, and then I of course will be stopping by the office in Wheaton to be with the team.


Speaking of our intimate team residing in Wheaton, Tiffani is being promoted to a full time employee! Congratulations Tiffani. We are happy to have you in our crew! 🙂 In our February newsletter, I mentioned that our other admin Amy A. would change her hair color in June. Indeed, she did! She is now dark blue on the right side, and white on the left.  Despite being the only guy in the Wheaton office, Bob is enjoying summer, and can’t believe that he is about to celebrate Lincoln’s 10th birthday.


Feel free to call or email me to discuss your hiring needs.  At TeamBradley, we’re committed to adding value to your organization. And even if you’re not presently hiring, I would still love to talk with you about your plans for the next quarter and for 2017, the market in general or to help you research salary comparisons for your current staff.


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Below are some articles you all might find interesting.


Getting Ahead by Job-Hopping?

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